Contact Info

David Watson is the author of most of FT Exploring.

Andy Watson authored all of the amazing pages on solar energy and biology listed in the the Applications section.

Contact me, David Watson, at


A picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of two galaxies colliding

Andy's current day-job is keeping these two
galaxies from colliding.

David, with the help of all the great brained
sperm whales on the planet,
struggles to maintain the balance of nature.

Yup, that's what their big brains are really for.

Andy has moved on to other pursuits - a demanding new day job, and, of course, he continues to protect the galaxies in our quadrant of the universe, as he has always done....

Questions for Andy should be sent David Watson at the email above. I dutifully do my best to answer, and when necessary, will forward the question on to mysterious Andy....










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